Saturday, September 8

Denim Divas

When a post starts out with 1. such a great title and 2. such a great picture odds are that I will not be able to exceed your expectations through out the rest of this. Read on anyways and fake that it's funny past this point.

Tony is,pretty much, the prettiest lady I know. When he puts on a wig he looks HAAAALArious (I know I spelled that wrong. I want you to read it like that)

When I put on a wig....well that's a different story:

I look exactly the same. Although that lady behind me....she is on Tony's level but I get the feeling she isn't wearing a wig.

Tony = Hilarious Mozart:

Me = Not funny at all small lady:

This is where I got the idea for the title:

Brain Teaser Time!
So Tony found some cool-hip new shoes:

I tricked you!!!! They are not cool and hip. They are half-shoe man clogs!! HAA

I did find these Universe Teaser shoes...

How is it that Easy Spirit found a way to unlock the secret of gravity and incorporated in a shoe for Senior Citizens ?
I get the feeling they are lying. But I can say, from experience, that Easy Spirit did truley unlock the secret of comfort because those shoes are easy on the ankles!

I leave you with this picture in order to try to win back some laughs.

Tony says that this African-American church suit made me look long. I think so too. (The pose, Tony said, made me look extra long)


  1. i wore the not cool not hip half man clogs to my first day of high school freshman year but in LEATHER cause duh bro i'm all about quality.

  2. nicole what the fuck do you guys do with your extra time??

