Sunday, August 26

Lobster Fest 2007

Tony and I drove 3 hours for this event.


I know, I know. We are no longer cool but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!

Follow me and see why.....

Within minutes of arriving, this fine fella sang in my face:

As usual, I ran into some friends:

This is one of the lobster dishes that I tried (that sounds like I ate a lobster-flavored plate).
The first item in this picture is delicious lobster ceviche.
The second is the beer in which I spilled ceviche juice and kept on drinking because I'm apparently very good at pretending things don't taste like onions/ceviche juice.

I guess some people really like lobster in their drinks?

I ate these little trinkets as well:

At this point in my fest journey I had early 90's lesbian sleeves:

No napkin to wipe lobster butter and corn husk off of your hands?
Don't freak out and cause a party-foul just use Tony's method:

Key West had a lot of great gift options.
I don't know why you would buy gifts at Key West unless you're one of the leather-skin wierdos that lives there for real.

I will now put little sassy/witty comments under all of these picture...


My personal dream come true. It must be so handy to have a shell with your name on it.

I personally freaked out when I saw this. How can one material possesion have all these jobs?

After all this fun we ran into a machine called "THE BULL"
Basically you had to squeeze the two bull things and prove how strong you were or something...

Tony almost got voted Macho!

I actually couldn't move the horn things so I got voted something that was less than a woman so I guess I'm pretty weak ?

I guess I am no longer weak if I buy a fuck-load of guns:

Ooh La La!

Friday, August 24

Pie Day

No...Not as in in the type that you eat.

I realize that this happened before the wedgie park but I went a little blog-nuts (it's a word) and got out of control and posted the wedgie park thing first. Sorry for confusing my audience of 5.

Back to my story....

I went over to the Chiriboga Residence (the R is capitalized because that is the name of their house, legally) and Elena came up with the genius idea of making one of my favorite light-calorie snacks...PECAN PIE!!!

So we headed over to the local Publix and gathered the ingredients:

1 part private-school-girl frosting (That's the only type they buy)

2 parts creep bus driver:

A gazzilion parts liquid diabetes:

Finished product!

Rapids Wedgie Park

Yes, I came up with that title all by myself.
Yes, It is the official name of the water park in West Palm Beach or Broward or Boca or somewhere.
Everything outside of Miami-Dade county just blurs in my small brain.

Except Stuart.
Shout out to Stuart, Florida for being the best named city in the whole state!!
Also, It is the sailfish capital of the world. Whatever that means. I found that on their website. (The city of

That was an ironic shout out to Stuart. It's not like I really think it's cool. I would never threaten my social status by getting Stuart's back.

Enough about Stuart. Let's talk Rapids...

Sooo We took a little Trip to Rapids water park to give Ben a fond memory to take back to that little town with a sign that is a sandwich.

It was the worst day of my life. I had to ride things that I'm sure were covered in urine and for some reason all ended with water up my nose and half of my bathing suit in my ass. I got graphic. I'm sorry, but it was really bad.Everyone else had a blast. Here are the pictures from that day:

This is what happens when Elena finds a giraffe in her driveway:

Ben? Why so down? Why don't you join us in our giraffe-car fun?

YAY! My giraffe-based anxiety is gone!!

This is apparently what a giraffe looks like while break-dancing:

And this is what Tony looks like in shoes that make me hate his feet:

Sunday, August 12

Current shinanigans

Since I never stop shinanigating, Here are the current activities:

First off, I'de like to take a minute to introduce the cutest thing (besides myself) you will see in your whole life.


It's the most romantic present I have ever gotten.
I can finally file all my mini things.

Now that we got that over with, on to shinanigans...

At some point during my summer Elena came back and because she did that, I got her a little present:

Luckly, the day after she came back was the Free Colt 45 party.

I guess you can say we got a little carried away.

We had a contest to see who had the best/most hotdogs while holding a can on their neck.

Hotdogs = chins
As in "Wow Mrs, your hotdogs look very shiny and nice today"

I think I won.

After that night, we decided to tone it down and hang out at Micheal's Crafts Store.

A piece of Ben's car fell off but we all decided that it wasn't vital.

Elena found a way to make her eyes seem as if they were next to her ears.

Then we got tattoos to commemorate the event.

Later on I discovered my favorite type of tube:

and my favorite flavor for candy/food:

Other summer shinanigans

I have been shinanigating (it's a real word) a lot.

First off, I attended a vegetarian BBQ.

I had chicken.

Sarah had some watermelon.

Later on in my life I made myself a light breakfast.

Currently, I am working on animating Sarah's dream that a tamogatchi came to life and became famous.

This is the scene where the tamogatchi (aka Tammy) finally shows off her singing skills and WOWs the crowd.

It's a very emotional scene.

I also attended another party with appe-teasers.
This hostess got the dip memo, but the pigs-in-a-blanket completely ruined the party for me.

No real person likes those.

After the Big Apple....

Since my fans (Elena, Ben and Sarah) have been begging me to blog it up, Here this is.

I have been up to many activities since my last picture/rambles.

Here we gooo!

...When me and Tony got back from the city that never sleeps we headed over to Sabrina's party.

I started out the night with a lovely purchase of Gee&Tee ingredients:

Sarah bought a jello-shot, which is always a bad choice.

There was dip (number one requirement for a jam) so the party was BANGIN'.

I tagged up my cup.

Also there was the correct amount of bubbles for a party that size.

Side note: That is my favorite number after Tatrillion

Count them, all the bubbles should be there.

That night I met the person that will die the youngest.

and then I ran into a couple of friends...