Sunday, August 12

Other summer shinanigans

I have been shinanigating (it's a real word) a lot.

First off, I attended a vegetarian BBQ.

I had chicken.

Sarah had some watermelon.

Later on in my life I made myself a light breakfast.

Currently, I am working on animating Sarah's dream that a tamogatchi came to life and became famous.

This is the scene where the tamogatchi (aka Tammy) finally shows off her singing skills and WOWs the crowd.

It's a very emotional scene.

I also attended another party with appe-teasers.
This hostess got the dip memo, but the pigs-in-a-blanket completely ruined the party for me.

No real person likes those.


  1. you should still think about killing yourself....

  2. I signed on as anonymous.....but it's me...Ben..Chiriboga.....Elena's brother....I worked with

    Do Tamogachi's....maybe it has another y in there... always wear "WHORE" red lipstick?

  3. umm since she is my tamogachi i can say YES this tamogachi does because she is famous and all famous people wear fancy lipstick. also she helps me sarah achieve fame and eventually marry tom cruise so yes lipstick is a key factor in the plan.

