Tuesday, September 14

Recent pictures 2

It's your birthday everyday Tony! YAY! I'm sure you love that I put this up in our apartment permanently! YAY!

Kendall graffiti

Tony is not amused with his snickers cake

Tonys are amused with knives


New boss in town

Oh my god Tony! Seriously! Wake the fuck up! There's a cat on your head!

Um...Do I NOT look like Robert Downey Jr ?

A light breakfast

Tony does not know my brain very well

There's a Wayne Newton toupee in my bed!
I started my own company

Notice the sock roller skate thing


Too many fans

Don't mess with this guy. He looks kinda blind.

This one doesn't need a caption

"I want to skype you with my mustache on" - Lina

Blankets and more!

The only way to fix an office injury is with office supplies.

What am I doing you ask?

Mega vs Mini

Does everyone not take their work lunch to work in a glittery hamster lunchbox?

Me being a super for-serious grown up

I have a famous friend that wears tapestry.
Tony thinks I was behind this prank
This would be a good movie


I picked this for our office. Woooooooops.


Important email from Elena:

I immortalized Tony's grandmother's cat. Well one of eight cats. I think Mini Fufu is the deaf one.

My sister texted this to me:

Remember when I gave Tony a tattoo ?

Chat Noir is a decent tipper

I think I have about 23498320 pictures on my phone of excessive beverage amounts. Apparently it never got old.

Remember when Chris was Benjamin Franklin ?


Who's the crazy lady wearing a stress hairbun and Target vest? me!

Doghouse. Get it?

Elena made this for me from stuff I already owned such as spoons.

QT Cancer Bunny~!

QT god son.

QT ketchup hitler

Every single time we go to Publix I complain that they don't carry this anymore. Every. single. time. It looked just like the packaging:

That guy from that movie with the other guy that is really pale:

My foot makes me laugh


Regular Monday hat


Important conversations:

Remember when Chris and I invented a mini-minivan and then we drove down 8th street and we realized that someone stole our idea so we made Tony round the block again so I could take a picture? I do.

The only brand for me

The only Christmas lady for me

Canada was really boring

"Where are my reading glasses?"

My favorite type of magic

My favorite type of games

My favorite type of bowels

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