I've been getting a lot of good grief about not updating this puppy.
This is what I was doing instead of being a in front of my computer...
We decided to celebrate Elena's unemploymentness with some fun time activities!
First things first. We hit up Sugar Heaven.
If I were a bible writer I would describe heaven like this:
"...and heaven was a wonderful place where you paid for diabetes by the pound..."
If I were still a bible writer I would also mention this GENIUS spray dessert.This spray dessert would sit on the right hand of Jesus:
My thoughts on spray food: If you are at the point in your life where you are too lazy to chew dessert, maybe you should lay off the sweets and re-think your life.
After that Elena tried on the least practical shoes created:
Poor Elena's pinky toe.
Then we ate some soup and salad at Olive Garden. Why you ask...because we saw a commercial for it. Since we were already on Flagler and a spanish-only area, we picked up some beer...
and my favorite spooky dessert....Glo-Balls with S'cream filling.
Is the spooky part the fact that you are eating something neon or that you turn into these poses when you eat them ?
Moving right along...We headed over to:
Like I always say "Why limit yourself to Flagler when Hialeah is waiting around the corner!"
Side note: This is the type of picture you will find when you lend Elena your camera.
Back to the story about nothing:
Oh hey Tony! What might you be browsing the aisles for at this fancy thriftstore ?
Man clogs you say ?
I can't even look at that picture for more than 10 seconds.
As usual....say it with me...I ran into some friends or IRISF
After a hard day of shopping in dust...
we decided to blow off some steam the only way we know how...
Dave and Busters' hammer tower.
The other pictures were posed and meant to look cheesy and funny and ironic and whatever else...
but this one...
this one is real....
A couple of things are going on this picture:
1. Umbrella attached to pants. That's a baby step away from a leather cellphone holder.
2. Thumbs up. A genuine "this-activity-is-so-awesome-I-want-to-express-it-with-my-thumb" thumbs up.
Let me take some time out to introduce you to one of my friends...
Beer Depot.
Anyone who violates copyright laws in order to have a witty sign is a friend of mine!
They recently remodeled. It no longer looks like somewhere that would sell stolen guns, which kinda sucks.
This is what you can get for 8 dollars. Yes, the six pack is home made.
Back to my non-computery activities...
Me and elena (on not the same day that all the other stuff happened up there) went over to Micheal's Craft Store to pick up the bare essentials.
Right about now you're saying to yourself: "Now Nicole, I see the purpose of all of those things EXCEPT those tiny baby doll shoes.."
My reply is: "Those are for Elena's cat. Duh"
...."Dear Jesus please make a can of spray paint that is proportional to me in both heighth and spunk..."
I'de like to end this post with this picture:
Monday, November 19
(sort of/not really)Recent Activities
Friday, October 19
Gallery walk 2
If someone complains that there aren't enough words in this post, I'm going to say this : You can't have your Carvel Almond Ice cream and have a fuckload of red gel on it too.
That was a reference to that ol' saying: "You can't have your cake and eat it [with a tooth on it] too..
So incase you breezed over that title, This is Gallery Walk 2...
We...ran..into...some...friends...To say the very least
I was going to make some sort of brown joke with these two pictures but then I noticed that all of Tony's teeth fell out.
We went to a very entertaining party after gallery walk.
I tried to get Sofie's attention but she was busy talking business.
So I went to get some beer...
...and then some chips...
...and then some beer...
...and then some 666 Anti-christ...
Tony got served... pie
Artsy Turtles:
Artsy deadly cougar cat thing:
Artsy deadly cube made out of pins that I wasn't allowed to touch:
Tuesday, September 18
It's Here!
Here is the video everyone has been talking about all summer.
Tammy: Digital Diva
I don't even have to write clever little comments within this post because the video is like humor heaven.
The quality sucks but you can thank youtube for that. The killer soundtrack makes up for the bad quality anyways. And if you're still not happy about the talking Tammy, there must be no pleasing you.
Sunday, September 9
Ugly Face Competition 2007
So during Amanda's birthday party
That's her up there. I'm sure she will complain about the picture.
Back to my story...so at Amanda's birthday shin dig we decided to have a little friendly competition.
LLLADDDIIIEEEESSS anddd GEENNNTTSSS I am proud to announce the first annual UGLY FACE COMPETITION 2007.
The participants include:
Tony "La Senora" Gilbert
Nicole "is the cutest" Irizarry
Elena "Norbit" Chiriboga
These are the before pictures so don't get sassy.
Round one:
Elena clearly lost. That's not even wacky ugly.
Round Two:
So for some reason Tony and I turned into the cartoons that I draw. Compare for yourself. The cartoons are the ones on paper, not the first picture. It can be easy to confuse the two.
Round Two was tied but then all of the sudden Tony morphed into the ugliest thing to ever exist and completely won the damn thing.
Side view:
Front view:
Tony's prize was having me hack into his myspace and change his default to the picture above.
(I didn't really hack into it because I know his password but it makes me sound a lot cooler)
This friendly competition was brought to you by:
Tony's car almost getting towed
And by the original Gentile's beer: