Tuesday, December 22

Recent pictures

I've gathered about 23409238 pictures from my phone. Maybe I'll add some more if I find time between writing emails and reading blogs and eating poptarts.

So now I'll write little stupid things about the pictures.

Tony doesn't like this joke: I ask " What day will it be on June 24th, 2056 ? " since Tony looks like the Rainman guy.

Facebook should add a "Favorite Pizza: " area to people's profiles. This would be mine.

Our tree. Tony brought it up in a shopping cart. Just like in the movies.

My favorite art of all the art I've ever seen:

Have you ever seen shoes made out of potatoes? Well here they are:

Get your holiday shopping done here. They have tons of offerts.

When I think Kendall, I think nuclear medicine.

Someone hasn't had their coffee!

Me and Elena talk about really important, serious world issues:

1. The name (It's like the breed of dog that looks like Brazilian Cougar type ladies) 2. I thought the only people that had that type of dog were girls.

Dignity at its most dignified. (look at the type of book it's reading)

A beautiful text from Tony:

I made us a little art to hang on the fridge. Those bittles in the main parade float are corn.

Tony preparing for a parade:

D Parade on a budget:

Wakey Wakey Tony! I'm pretty sure he's not going to like this picture up here.

Apparently these are the things I found important enough to write down when I was 15:

You know that song "Peanut Butter Jelly Time?" Well someone should do some remaking of it but with Grandpa Time.

Technology has let us achieve many many great things like:

Baby I know on the moon:

Baby I know in The Godfather:

Baby I know brown version:

Cats watching me on television:

Wednesday, April 8


Technology is really really really cool. I made some examples of just how cool Technology is using Microsoft Word 97.

Example 1:

Those letters are made of real steel. What a steel! 

Example 2:
This picture just totally freaked you out. It's ok, that's not a real ghost. 
Calm down.

Example 3:
Ok. You caught me. This is the only WordArt that is actually completely true.

Example 4:
Don't feel bad because you don't want to date this sentence. It's society's fault. Not yours.

Example 5:
Seriously. Be fucking careful. I can only warn you so many times.

Further examples that I stole from gmail:

You can put a little .gif poop in each and every email you every write thanks to Technology!

Tuesday, February 3


By toot toot I mean a horn sound. 
As if the dog were driving.
And that's funny because dogs can't drive! 
But I'm saying that this particular dog is driving AND tooting the horn.
Which is next to impossible. 
TOO funny!

Sunday, February 1

My Favorite Actor

is Standy the Dog.

There he is! (Upper right hand corner.)
Here he is again, sitting.

And who can forget this memorable favorite:

Watch him in full-motion action right here!!!

Skip straight to 3:30 the rest is blah blah blah, french french movie stuff whatever.

Monday, January 26

2 Hot 2 Handle

Fire is SO cool. 
And so am I for spending my whole Friday night burning leafs+etc.

Tuesday, January 20


This is what true lurve looks like. With flash.