Monday, July 16


As promised through the subtitle of this blog: Animals with Jobs

There is a lot I like about this picture.
1. The horse is mini
2. It is wearing mini-horse sneakers
3. That dog is fucking ugly/Diana Ross
4. The name of the horse is Cuddles

Mini-horses aren't only for the blind. You can get one as an "emotional support" animal. I wish I was kidding.

I know what you're thinking, "Nicole, I'de love to have some helping hooves around the house but what are my options for mini-Horse footwear ?"

Don't worry!

If sneakers aren't for your horse you have the option of a cowboy boot. I personally find the spurs over the top but then again so is a damn boot for a horse.

There is always the clog option.

Moving along:

This cat has a real job.

It is a stationmaster of a train station. His two friends are deputies.

Guess that ol' saying was right all along: "Make a cat a stationmaster and he will make his two friends the deputies."

They get paid in food.

Common question: "What exactly is in this cat's job description?"
Answer: To greet guests. Duh.

This lovely poodle named Pluto promotes pedestrian safety by walking on it's hind legs.

This is the type of job I'm looking for. Sash + walking.

I don't know what type of job this chimp has but he makes a lot of money (check out his fanny pack).

I'm ok with this whole situation but how did a chimp get to own a dog?

1 comment:


    go there

